Advancement In Research On New Nanophase Materials:Rules And Mechanisms In migration and transformation Of New pollutants Across Environmental Micro- Interface

Release Time:2015-12-28 Big Small

Since September 2014, relying on the key lab of pollution Ecology and Environmental Engineering, CAS, and supported by the hundreds People Plan and Institute’s feature Plan, the research group of Environment Micro-Interface Chemistry developed systematic research on: 1) Behavior of new nano-phase material on environmental micro interface- its risk and application. 2) Migration and transformation of pollutants on environmental micro-interface-rules and mechanisms. 3) Regional process of organic pollutants-research and risk assessment. 4) Application of polymeric materials in pollution control and its potential risk. Seven papers has been published. The major advancements are as follows.

The construction and application of  nanometric adsorption isotherm model: Based on the experiment of pollutant adsorption on carbon nanotube, we fined suspension of organic pollutants on carbon nanotube, expanded the classical adsorption model, introduced adsorption coefficient into the classical model, constructed nanometer-scaled-adsorption isotherm model and successfully extended the model to graphene and nanometal oxides. The publication of the results attracted attentions and we were invited by NanoWorld Conference, NWC-2016 to give invited report.(Carbon,2015)

The influence of organic macromolecule on the environmental behaviour of carbon nanomaterials. Cooperated with scientist in NIST(US)Elijah J. Petersen, we investigated the interactions among 14C-labled carbon nanotube and 3 humic acids, 13 synthesized polymers, revealed that the surface property of the organic macromolecules is the major factor affecting the interaction between the macromolecule and the nanotube. The surface polarity, aromaticity, charge, the property of resoved resovable organic matter and their specific area were quantified for their contributions to the interaction, constructed the interaction model based on the surface properties.(Carbon, Accepted).

Removing new pollutants via Adsorption by Metal-organic frame materials: Metal organic frame (MOF) material is newly developed porous material in recent years. In the structure of MOF, organic ligands are interlinked through complexation by metal cations, forming enormous 3-dementional porous structure and specific surface. The materials attracted attentions in fields such as

gas storage, catalyzing, sensing, VOC adsorption and druge releasing. We find that MIL-101 and its organic ligand modified material have stronger adsorption to ionic pollutants per fluorinated octylic acid (PFOA) than traditional adsorbent. Density functional theory was used in the research on the mechanisms in adsorption of PFOA by MIL-101, so that stronger adsorbent MOF may be developed. (ES & T, 2015)

Remove engineered nanophase materials by water processing tech: Engineered nanophase materials are newly appeared pollutants. We find that effective removal of nano particals by aluminum-containing flocculant is affected by solution pH, diameter of hydrated nano particals and ionic strength. The results provide data and theory support to the development for new water-processing technology for removal of the new pollutants. The results was reported by the chief editor of Journal of Environmental Science, Canadian academician Chris Le as highlight.(JES,2015)


The results were published in international pperiodicals. The group also carried out quantitative assessment on the interactions between humic acid and long-lasting pollutants in grassland soils, environmental behavior of ionic organic pollutants, the effect of the interaction between carbon nanotube and organic pollutants on phytotoxicity. The data were being processed and , hopefully, some innovative results were anticipated.


Recent publications

1. Zhao, Q., Yang, K., Zhang, S. Y., Chefetz, B., Zhao, J., Mashayekhi, H., Xing, B.* Dispersant selection for nanomaterials: Insight into dispersing functionalized carbon nanotubes by small polar aromatic molecules. Carbon, 2015, 91, 494-505. (IF = 6.196, I)

2. Liu, K., Zhang, S. Y., Hu, X Y., Zhang, K. Y., Roy, A., Yu, G.* Understanding the Adsorption of PFOA on MIL-101(Cr)-Based Anionic-Exchange MetalOrganic Frameworks: Comparing DFT Calculations with Aqueous Sorption Experiments. Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49(14), 8657-8665. (IF=5.33, I区)

3. Zhang, L. Z., Mao, J. C., Zhao, Q.*, He, A. B., Ma, J. Effect of AlCl3 concentration on nanoparticle removal by coagulation. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2015, (IF = 2.002)

4. Zhao, Q., Petersen, E. J. *, Cornelis G., Wang, X. L., Guo, X. Y., Tao, S., Xing, B.* Retention of 14C-labeled multiwall carbon nanotubes by humic acid and polymers: Roles of macromolecule properties. Carbon, Accepted. (IF = 6.196, I)

5. Ge, L. L, Na, G. S., Zhang, S. Y., Li, K., Zhang, P.*, ,Ren, H. L., Yao, Z. W. New insights into the aquatic photochemistry of fluoroquinolone antibiotics: Direct photodegradation, hydroxyl-radical oxidation, and antibacterial activity changes. Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 527528, 1217. (IF=4.099, II)

6. Zhang, S. Y., Zhao, Y., Yu, G.*, Wang, B., Huang, J., Deng, S. B. Dual roles of hydroxyl radicals and effects of competition on ozonation kinetics of two phenazone-type pollutants. Emerging Contaminants, 2015, 1, 12-7.

7. Wei, X. X. Chen, J. W.,* Xie, Q., Zhang, S. Y., Li, Y. J., Zhang, Y. F., Xie, H. B. Photochemical behavior of antibiotics impacted by complexation effects of concomitant metals: a case for ciprofloxacin and Cu(II). Environmental Science Processes & Impacts, 2015, 17, 1220-1227.