Visit to Experiment Base for Reduce Fertilization and Increase Efficiency in Jilin Province

Release Time:2016-08-17 Big Small

On 10 July 2016, Led by Prof WU Zhijie, members in the project Alternatives to Reduce Fertilization in Northeast China and Huang Huai Hai Plain - Technology Integration and Demonstration visited the Experiment Base for Reduce Fertilizer and Increase Efficiency in Lishu County, Jilin province and had discussions with local officers and research workers. The leader of the base, Associate Prof XIE Hongtu introduced the overall arrangement of the base. The visitors learned experiment sample plots for effect of soil culture and fertilizer reduction to the growth of crops, the purpose, significance, establishment time and anticipated achievement for the plots. During the meeting, Prof WU Zhijie introduced the background, subject and significance of their own project and request the group members deeply investigate theories about nutrient cycling and writ their paper on the black soil field so as to contribute to the resolution of problems related to straw burning. Prof WANG Guiman from Lishu County Agricultural Extension Station introduced the origin, development and achievement of the county in black soil preservation and straw return technology.

The visitors inspected also fertilizer reduction and non tillage demonstration area, acknowledged the significance of straw return, non-tillage and fertilizer reduction on black soil preservation and promotion and on the resolution of environmental, economic-social problems resulted from straw burning.

The visit is beneficial for the further condense research aim, enhance their ideas of overall situation and cooperation consciousness.