In the morning of 25-26 June,2017, the seminar was held in IAE. The seminar was sponsored by the Key Lab of Forest Ecology and Management, CAS and conducted by the head and vice head of the lab, Prof HAO Zhanqing and Prof FANG Yunting. The director of Department of Science and Technology, IAE addressed welcome speech. The seminar invited famous scholars in the field of nitrogen depositionin glacier, loess plateau and atmosphere. The seminar included specialist report and free discussions, so as to academic exchange and the development of research in nitrogen deposition.
On 26 June, reports on the Qinghai-Tibetan Glacier research were given by Prof TIAN Lide from Yunnan University, a winner of National Talent Youth Foundation, a famous researcher in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Glacier, Prof Zhang Yanlin from Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, leader of the research group of atmosphere chemistry and isotopes, YeleUniv-Nanjing Univ of Information Sci/Tech Atmosphere Environment Center. In the afternoon, the 2 reporters introduced the techniques that use natural abundance of nitrate nitrogen and oxygen isotopes to track the origin of in-organic nitrogen. Dr WANG Fan from Shenzhen Graduate School, Beijing University and Dr WEI Cunzheng participated discussions.
The subject of historical changes in nitrogen deposition, the hot spot and research methods were comprehensively discussed on the seminar. The discussions pointed the new angel of view to the changes in the origin of nitrogen deposition in the future and the further orientation of work in this field.