The seminars held on 3-6 August, 2017 in Shenyang were hosted by Professional Committee of Soil Physics, Soil Science Society of China, cooperatively undertaken by IAE CAS, Key Lab of Pollution Ecology and Environmental Engineering CAS, Shenyang Agricultural University, Liaoning Academy of Agriculture, Shenyang University, Liaoning Association of Soil Science and National Shenyang Field Research Station for Cropland Ecosystem.
About 480 research workers came from USA, UK, Ireland, Australia, Israel, Swiss and China presented, including about 20 famous specialists.
The open ceremony was directed by the vice director of Soil Physics Professional Committee. The director of the professional Committee, Prof PENG Xinhua from Institute of Soil Science, CAS gave opening remarks. The vice director of IAE, Prof ZHU Jiaojun gave welcome speech.
One hundred and 60 oral reports, 34 posters and 5 special roundtable discussions were presented to discuss soil water movement, hydrological process and field nutrition management, crop water relations, water/salt movement, pollutant migration, soil physical properties and enhancement of soil fertility. Twelve papers presented by graduate students were elected as outstanding to encourage the young scientist.
Prof PENG summarized the achievements of the seminar and encouraged the attendants in innovation, contribute themselves to construction of ecological civilization, safety of cereal production and the development of soil physical science.
The seminar promoted the advancement of soil-physics in China, enhanced the influence of soil physics to the whole natural science, promoted the interaction of soil physics with ecology and environmental sciences and related personal training. The seminar also constructed foundations for the research cooperation between Chinese and international scientists on soil physics.