On 31 July to 4 August, the forum was held in National Changbai Mountain Forest Ecosystem Research Station. About 60 research workers presented, including Prof CHEN Xiaoyong, the director of School of Ecological and Environmental Sciences, East China Normal University, Prof FANG Yunting, the vice director of IAE and Prof HAO Zhanqing, the director of Key Lab of Forest Ecology and Management, CAS.
In the morning of 1 August, WANG Zhian, Prof HAO Zhanqing, Prof CHEN Xiaoyong, Prof FANG Yunting and Prof ZHANG Jian gave reports entitled respectively as Overview of Changbai Mountain Research Station and Research Advancement on Eco-Climatology, Theory for Management of Natural Forest and the Significance of Big Sample Plot, The Ecological Effect of Habitat Fragmentation, Research Advancement of Nitrogen Cycling of Forest Ecosystem and Public Power: Concervation of Bio-diversity in Human Era.
In the afternoon, Prof HAO Guangyou reported The Effect of Hydraulic Structure on the Tree’s Productivity and Stress Resistance and Related Mechanisms. Prof ZHOU Xiaoqi reported Oxidation of Soil Methane. Prof YAN Qiaoling reported Strategy for Restoration and Management of Secondary Forest Ecosystem Based on Forest Structure and Regeneration. Associate Prof ZHENG Zemei Reported Effects of Nutrient Addition on Litter Decomposition Regulated by Phosphorus-Induced Changes in Litter Chemistry in a Subtropical Forest, China. Associate Prof ZHANG Weidong reported The Effect of N Addition and Primary Mass on the Litter Decomposition of Subtropical Forest Ecosystem. Prof YU Dapao reported Features of Non-structural Carbohydrate Storage of Betula ermanii on Forest Line of Changbai Mountain and its Responses to Environmental Stresses. Associate Prof SHEN Guochun reported Species Pedigree Relations and inter-species interactions of Tiantong Plants. Prof ZHANG Junhui reported Long-Term Addition of Nitrogen Enhances Stability of Soil Organic Matter in a Temperate Forest. Prof WANG Xugao reported Preservation and Functions of Forest Trees species diversity. The vice director of editorial board of Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology introduced the general features and a planed new column Forum of Changbai Mountain.
On 2 August, the specialists and graduate students visited sample plots of spruce-fir forest, Betula ermanii forest and high elevation tundra.
On 3 August, there were 17 reports given by graduated students
On 4 August, the forum attendances visited the big long-term sample plot for Conifer-Broad leaved Forest and North-east Asian Botanic Garden.