On 13-15 October 2017, the annual meeting of the committee was held at Qingyuan Station. The committee director, Prof LIU Shirong, vice director, Prof YU Guirui, Prof ZHU Jiaojun, Committee member Prof HUANG Zhiqun, Prof WANG Zhenquan, Prof SHEN Weijun, Prof HAO Zhanqing were present. The party secretary JIN Changjie, the director of Science and Technology Department ZHUO Junchen of IAE and workers in the station attended.
The meeting was conducted by ZHUO Junchen. The director of the station, Prof ZHU Jiaojun reported the general situation, research direction, infrastructure, research development and perspectives of the station. The committee members had a discussion and gave valuable suggestions for the direction of future development of the station and talent introduction. The platform construction was suggested to serve the scientific problems. More towers may be constructed to form a tower group to reveal the hydrological processes of coupled C, N, H2O cycling, energy flow and environmental pollution at watershed level.
The workers at the station Prof CHEN Zhenju, Prof YAN Qiaoling, Prof YANG Kai, Associate Prof ZHU Feifei and Associate Prof GAO Tian reported their work development and achievement. The committee members and other specialists had an discussion on the reports, pointed problems and the directions and key points of the further work.
After the meeting, the participants visited laboratory, Secondary Forest and Larch Plantation Paired Sample Plots and Hydrological Observation Field for Forest Watershed and other facilities at the station and gave suggestions on the improvement of research management.
The academic committee was founded on 2014 and this is the first meeting of the committee. It is a mile stone for the research station and will promote the station to construct a world- class field research station.