On the morning of March 8, 2019, the Institute of Applied Ecology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (IAE, CAS) signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement with Shenyang Agricultural University (SAU). ZHU Jiaojun, director of IAE, JIN Changjie, deputy director and Party Committee secretary of IAE, FANG Yunting, deputy director of IAE, HAO Xin, deputy secretary of IAE Party Committee, LIU Guanglin, Party Committee secretary of SAU, CHEN Qijun, president and deputy secretary of SAU Party Committee, as well as two vice presidents of SAU (LV Jie and WANG Tieliang) attended the signing ceremony.
LIU Guanglin presided over the ceremony and delivered an opening speech. ZHU Jiaojun and CHEN Qijun then delivered speeches on behalf of the two sides and signed the cooperation agreement.
LIU Guanglin said: "The strategic cooperation between SAU and IAE is a concrete measure to implement the spirit of the 19th Party Congress. The successful signing of the cooperation agreement will inevitably strengthen the deep-level cooperation between the two sides, and will surely push the two sides to make greater contributions in implementing the rural revitalization strategy, in helping local economic development, and in realizing Liaoning's all-round revitalization.”
CHEN Qijun outlined SAU history and resent development. He said: “SAU and IAE have a long-standing friendship and the signing of the cooperation agreement marks a new chapter in the friendship between the two sides. It is an opportunity for SAU to enhance the levels of its personnel training and S&T innovation.” CHEN also expressed his good wish for a win-win situation in the cooperation of the two sides.
ZHU Jiaojun made a brief speech on IAE’s innovation and development. He said that IAE had established a long-term cooperation and a profound friendship with SAU. He looked forward to the continued cooperation with SAU in disciplines’ construction, personnel training and sharing, major national project application, as well as in the jointly establishment and sharing of scientific research platforms. He also looked forward to seeing the two sides make a greater contribution to national ecological civilization construction and local economic development.
Participants then held discussions concerning the cooperation agenda. WU Zhijie, director of the National Laboratory of Fertilizer Engineering, as well as the middle-level cadres of IAE and SAU attended the signing ceremony.