"Key Technologies and Small Equipment Research and Development for Freezing and Thawing Soil Remediation in Villages and Towns and Communities" Holds Annual Work Promotion Meeting

Release Time:2021-05-20 Big Small

On April 22, 2021, the National Key Research and Development Program "Key Technologies and Small Equipment Research and Development for Freezing and Thawing Soil Remediation in Villages and Towns and Communities" held the annual work promotion meeting.
The meeting was held offline at the Institute of Applied Ecology (IAE), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and in the form of online video meeting. Gao Junmin from Chongqing University, Hong Jiangtao from Chengdu Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment of the CAS and the Ministry of Water Resources, Gong Zongqiang, Li Xiaojun, Shi Rongjiu, Jia Chunyun, Jiang Zhiyang and other core members of the project attended the meeting.

Prof. Gong Zongqiang gave a brief introduction to the overall progress of the program. Afterwards, the other researchers of the program made reports. They detailed the progress of each project, and figured out the problems that need to be solved during the next stage. Then the program members held a lively discussion on the progress of individual projects, and the key technology in relation to specific research contents, etc. 

Gong Zongqiang said that the program office will fully consider these suggestions and opinions, and will actively promote the collaborative research between the projects. This meeting made preparations for the mid-term assessment of the program in 2021.