Professor Wang Gang of China Agricultural University Visits IAE and Gives a Talk

Release Time:2022-08-23 Big Small

On July 23, Professor Wang Gang of China Agricultural University visited the Institute of Applied Ecology (IAE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) at the invitation of IAE's Ecosystem Microbiology Group and gave a talk entitled "Soil Biogeochemical Micro-Interface Process and Sustainable Agricultural Development".

Researcher Wang Peng, Researcher Xie Hongtu and several graduate students of IAE attended the academic meeting, which was jointly organized by the Youth Promotion Association, the Personnel & Education Division and the Science and Technology Division of IAE.

Professor Wang Gang's talk focused on the synergistic relationship of bacterial and fungal "channels" and the regulation mechanism of soil microbial colonization tracks on soil carbon/nutrient turnover. He overviewed the methodology used for such research, including the simulation modeling and the holographic Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy, and shared his view on green agriculture sustainable development.

Professor Wang's talk interested the audience in the particular area of microbial study, and broadened their horizons in soil ecology.