Liaoning Province Collaborates on Tech Solutions for Desertification Control

Release Time:2024-05-27 Big Small

Liaoning Province is taking a significant step forward in combating desertification with a key technological collaboration project. The annual progress meeting for the initiative, "Key Technology Research and Demonstration for Collaborative Control of Desertification at the Southern Edge of the Horqin Sandy Land," was held in Shenyang on May 11th.

The project is led by the Institute of Applied Ecology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Over 50 participants, including leading experts and project team members, attended the meeting.

Opening remarks by TAO Jun, Deputy Director of the Liaoning Provincial Department of Science and Technology, emphasized the provincial government's commitment to winning the battle against desertification in the Horqin Sandy Land. JIANG Shengwei, Deputy Director of the Liaoning Provincial Forestry and Grassland Bureau, expressed anticipation for innovative solutions and a comprehensive toolkit for sand control measures, building upon the province's existing experience.

Project leader, Academician ZHU Jiaojun and other key members presented progress reports, addressing current challenges and outlining future plans. Experts engaged in in-depth discussions, offering valuable suggestions for advancing the project's objectives. Prof. HE Xingyuan emphasized the need for integrated innovation, optimized models, and collaborative governance to ensure the project's continued success. Following the meeting, Academician ZHU Jiaojun led a detailed discussion to address expert feedback and develop preliminary approaches for refining viable technical models and promoting the "Zhangwu Model" in the next phase, with the aim of advancing sand control efforts in Liaoning and the broader northern region. Ultimately, the project seeks to provide specialized solutions that can be used for national government consultation, contributing to a wider strategy for combating desertification.