Unveiling Secrets in the Soil: New Series Studies on Rubber Plantations across Hainan Island

Release Time:2024-04-28 Big Small

Microscopic life thrives beneath our feet, playing a crucial role in soil health and carbon storage. Researchers at the Institute of Applied Ecology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have been delving into the mysteries of how different soil types influence these microbial communities and their impact on underground processes. Their recent series research, conducted across Hainan Island, focused on rubber plantations – a key economic tree species in the region. Their work, published across three separate journals, sheds light on the complex interplay between parent material, microbes, and soil processes.

The first study, published in Geoderma Regional, revealed how the underlying rock layer, known as parent material, affects the balance of key nutrients like carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in the soil. The researchers found that basaltic soils, formed from volcanic rock, had a higher phosphorus content but lower nitrogen compared to marine sedimentary soils. This imbalance suggests that tailoring nutrient management for rubber plantations based on soil types could be beneficial. For example, adding phosphorus to basaltic soils and nitrogen to marine sedimentary soils might optimize plant growth.

Taking a closer look at the microbial world within the soil, the second study, published in Science of The Total Environment, explored how these parent materials shape bacterial communities. This research reveals that these communities adapt to their environment. In basaltic soils with lower pH and higher moisture, the bacterial populations were less diverse but showed higher activity in breaking down carbon and nitrogen. Conversely, marine sedimentary soils, with lower moisture and nutrients, fostered more diverse bacterial communities with enhanced abilities to utilize harder-to-decompose materials.

Finally, the third study, published in Soil Biology and Biochemistry, investigates the two-way impacts of parent material and vegetation on microbial communities, and the contribution of microbial remains to soil carbon. This study found that rubber plantations, compared to other vegetation types, showed a higher accumulation of dead microbial material. This suggests a rapid microbial lifecycle in the tropical climate studied. Importantly, the type of clay minerals present in the soil also influenced the microbial necromass (dead remains). Clayey soils developed from basaltic rock offered better protection for these remains, promoting their accumulation and contribution to soil carbon storage. In contrast, sandier soils favoured fungal communities, whose remains contributed differently to the overall carbon content.

These three studies collectively provide valuable insights for managing nutrients in rubber plantations and understanding how to enhance soil carbon sequestration in tropical regions. By unlocking the secrets held within the microbial world of the soil, scientists are paving the way for more sustainable rubber plantation management practices.



YUE Qian

Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Tel: 86-24-83970317

E-mail: yueqian@iae.ac.cn

Web: http://english.iae.cas.cn