Research Progress

The Species Diversity, Phylogeny and Evolution Regularity of Hydnaceae have been Enriched and Rev...

Dr. Yuan Haisheng and their team from the Institute of Applied Ecology (IAE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences conducted a systematic study of the Hydnaceae, especially the umbelliform fungi.

Frequent Stover Mulching Builds Healthy Soil through Soil Bacterial Community

Soil health, which refers to a soil’s capacity to function as a vital living system according to its potential and changes over time, is the foundation of productive, sustainable agriculture. Alth...

Tree Growth Response to Soil nutrients and Neighborhood Crowding Varies between Mycorrhizal Types

Tree growth is an important part of forest dynamics, and revealing its driving factors is the basis for predicting forest community dynamics. During the growth and development of plants, the symbio...

Removal of Roots Has Greater Impacts on Forest Soil Microbial Biomass than Removal of Aboveground...

Environmental changes and human activities may change above- and underground litter inputs to the soil, which can regulate the sequestration and storage of soil organic carbon by changing community...

Gross Nitrogen Mineralization Is Non-linearly Correlated with Microbial Respiration along Forest ...

Nitrogen (N) in inorganic form is the main source for plant and microbial growth. Thus gross nitrogen mineralization, a microbial process converting organic nitrogen to inorganic nitrogen, is pivot...