Research Progress

Unignorable photodegradation: Solar radiation is accelerating carbon cycle process of temperate f...

Litter decomposition is critical for carbon (C) cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. Sunlight, as the essential energy for the biogeochemical cycling, can directly break down natural organic matter a...

Hydraulic Failure Is Involved in the Decline of Sand-fixing Salix Gordejevii Shrubs

A research team led by Prof. Dr. Guangyou Hao from the Institute of Applied Ecology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences measured the xylem hydraulics, sap flow, water relations and non-structural ca...

Increasing Effects of Remnant Seed Sources on Post-volcanic-eruption Forest Landscape Recovery

Volcano eruption is a catastrophic disturbance, which can destroy almost all forest vegetation, forcing forest succession to restart. Post-volcanic-eruption forest landscape recovery is largely dri...

Researchers Firstly Uncover Viral Abundance and Diversity in Oil Reservoir

Viruses are considered to be the most abundant and diverse organisms in the world. They are ubiquitous in soil, ocean, river, wetland and other ecosystems, and play important roles in regulating st...

Seasonal Quantitative Evaluation of the Balance between Ecosystem Services Supply and Demand Are ...

The paradox of compact cities in terms of ecosystem services supply (ESs) and demand (ESd) is evidenced. Most researches established that ESs and ESd are spatially unbalanced, especially a major mi...