Subject:Landscape Ecology
Address:Director of Department of Landscape Ecology, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) P. O. Box 417, Shenyang, 110016, P. R. China

Ph.D. (1994-1997,incumbency study): Landscape Ecology, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, P. R. China. Supervisors: Prof. Xiao Duning & Shen Shanmin. Dissertation: study on habitat of waterfowl nature reserve and its landscape ecological design----with case of Shuangtai-hekou National Reserve.
M.Sc.(1987-1990): Geo-ecology, Research Center for Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, P. R. China, Supervisor: Prof. Changdu Chen. Thesis: study on saline vegetation of Jungar Basin in Xinjiang.
B.Sc.(1983-1987): Physical Geography, Peking University, Beijing, P. R. China. Thesis: Analysis of desert vegetation of northeast part of Tarim Basin in Xinjiang.
1990-1992: Practice researcher, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1992-1997: Assistant professor, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1997-1998: Associate professor, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1998-now: Full professor, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1998-2001: Head of the Landscape Ecology Department, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2001-2011: Principal investigator of the Landscape Ecology Group, Vice head of the Forest Ecology and Forestry Eco-engineering Research Center, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2012-now: Principal Investigator of the Landscape Ecology Group, Head of the Landscape Ecology and Regional Planning Research Center, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2015-now:Director of E’er-guna Long-term Investigation and Research Station of Wetland Ecosystem, Inner Mongolia

  • Research Interests

    Landscape ecology, Wetland sciences, Avian habitat study, GIS & RS applications

    Professional Memberships
    Member of International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE)
    Vice Chair of IALE--China
    Board member of Environmental Remote Sensing Society of China
    Board member of Natural Resource Society of China
    Member of China Forest Landscape Resources Assessment Committee
    Communication-based &meeting-based evaluation expert of National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)
    Evaluation expert of China Environmental Impact Assessment
    Vice Chair of Remote Sensing Society of Liaoning Province, China


    Finished projects

    1.        Economic and ecological planning in Lushunkou District, Dalian City, 1990-1992, 150,000 CNY, funded by Dalian City government, participant.

    2.        Study on stability of artificial plant community in semi-arid region, 1992-1995, 150,000 CNY, key project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), participant.

    3.        Study on structure, function and productivity of Pinus sylvestriformis ecosystem, 1993-1995, 50,000 CNY, funded by Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), participant.

    4.        Relationship between landscape structure and ecological process in boreal estuary wetland, 1994-1996, 95,000 CNY, funded by NSFC, participant.

    5.        Exploitation of biological resources in Tumenjiang River region. 1994-1995, 15,000 CNY, funded by CAS, executive.

    6.        Survey on food resources in Liaoning Province, 1996, 35,000 CNY, funded by a local enterprise, participant.

    7.        Comprehensive planning of Panshan County eco-region, 1996, 90,000 CNY, funded by the local government, executive.

    8.        Sino-Japan collaboration study on remote sensing monitoring in Poyang Lake wetland----ground quasi-synchronous ecological survey, 1995-1996, 50,000 CNY, funded by National Space Development Agency of Japan, principle investigator (PI).

    9.        Management information system of Changbai Mountain Reserve, 1997-1998, 136,000 CNY, funded by the local government, participant.

    10.    Resource dynamics, landscape structure and regional sustainable development of delta wetland around Bohai Sea, 1997-2000, 1,200,000 CNY, Key project of NSFC, co-PI.

    11.    Impact of landscape structure on N, P purification in costal wetland based on GIS, 1998-1999, 35,000 CNY, project for returned students form CAS, participant.

    12.    Comprehensive survey on natural resources of Liaoning Province using remote sensing, 1998-2000, 950,000 CNY, Key project of National Planning Committee, PI

    13.    Application of China-Brazil Earth Resource Satellite (CBERS) on environment monitoring, 2001-2002, 80,000 CNY, funded by the Scientific and Technological Committee of National Defense, PI.

    14.    Spatial explicit landscapes modeling, 2001-2003, 2,000,000 CNY, key project of CAS, co-PI.

    15.    Spatial pattern and changes of forest landscape in Northeast China, 2001-2003, 600,000 CNY, key project of CAS, co-PI.

    16.    Impact and its feedback of human activity to forest landscape, 2001-2003, 600,000 CNY, key project of CAS, PI.

    17.    Study on waterfowl habitat in the Yellow River delta, 2002-2004, 240,000 CNY, funded by NSFC, PI.

    18.    Remote sensing monitoring on farmland resources and land-use change, 2003-2004, 200,000 CNY, funded by the Ministry of Land and Resources of China, PI

    19.    Ecological coupled relationship between agricultural and forestry landscapes and optimization of land and water resources, 2003-2007, 500,000 CNY, National Basic Research Program of China, PI

    20.    Application of GIS/RS technology for validating the predictability of a soil productivity index in forest ecosystem, 2004-2006, 100,000 CNY, project of Foundation for Overseas Scholar, co-PI

    21.    Planning for organic food development in Liaoning Province, 2004-2006, 1,000,000 CNY, funded by the Government of  Liaoning Province, PI

    22.    Multi-scale responses of forest landscape and community to climatic change, 2004-2007, 1,100,000 CNY, key project of NSFC, co-PI

    23.    Coordination development between land-use and ecological recovery in Liaoning Province, China. 2005, 240,000 CNY, funded by the Department of Land and Resources of Liaoning Province Government, PI

    24.    Spatial response of main ecosystems on global change in China, 2005-2007, 300,000 CNY, key project of CAS, co-PI.

    25.    Planning of protection zone will ecological function in Eastern Shenyang, 2006, 220,000 CNY, funded by Shenyang Environmental Protection Bureau of China, PI

    26.    Spatially explicit landscape modeling of urbanization in China, 2006-2008, 220,000 CNY, key project of CAS, PI.

    27.    Ecologically functional assessment and structural recovery of rural landscape, 2006-2010, 570,000 CNY, National Key Technologies R&D Program, PI

    28.    Karst landscape pattern change and  rocky desertification process modelling, 2006-2010, 450,000 CNY, National Basic Research Program of China, co-PI

    29.    Effects of economic development on eco-environment in coastal zone of Liaoning Province, 2006-2007, 200,000 CNY, funded by the Government of  Liaoning Province, PI

    30.    Environmental impact assessment of industrial development strategy around Bohai Sea, 2009, 180,000 CNY, funded by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China, PI

    31.    Ecological application of small remote sensing satellite constellations for environmental hazards, 2009-2010, 800,000 CNY, funded by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China, PI

    32.    Response, adaptation and mitigation mechanism of forest ecosystems to climate change in Northeast China, 2009-2011, 1,150,000 CNY, key project of CAS, co-PI.

    33.    Impacts of water conservancy project on Yalu River delta, 2010, 800,000 CNY, funded by the Department of Water resources of Liaoning Province Government, PI

    34.    Spatial database of water environmental risk sources in Liaohe River Basin, 2009-2013, 300,000 CNY, State Special Research Program for Water-pollution Control, co-PI

    35.    Effect of climate change on forest community and landscape, 2009-2013 330,000 CNY, State Special Research Program for Public-welfare Forestry, PI

    36.    Landscape visualization in rural landscape planning, 2011-2015, 680,000 CNY, National Key Technologies R&D Program, co-PI

    37.    Current status, rate and potential of carbon fixation by forest ecosystem in Helongjiang Province, 2011-2015, 2,460,000 CNY, Strategic Priority Research Program of CAS, PI

    38.    Comprehensive survey on environmental pollution and ecosystem status in coastal zone along Huanghai Sea and Bohai Sea, 2013-2017, 1,500,000 CNY, National Science and Technology Infrastructure Program, co-PI

    39.    Comprehensive survey on coastal marsh wetland resources and its ecological effects  in eastern China, 2013-2018, 1,900,000 CNY, National Science and Technology Infrastructure Program, PI

    40.    Interrelationship between permafrost and forest in Great Xing’an Mountains, 2013-2017,1,000,000 CNY, National Basic Research Program of China, PI

    41.    Study on ecosystem pattern and function dynamics of degraded wetland in Northeast China, 2016-2020, 3,900,000CNY, Key Projects of National Key R & D Plan of China, PI

    42.    The three dimensional landscape pattern and its atmospheric environment in urban block scale, 2017-2020, 784,000 CNY, Project of NSFC, PI

    43.    Atmospheric environmental effects of urban expansion and landscape optimization, 2018-2022, 3,877,000 CNY, Key Project of NSFC, PI


    Supervisory Experience

    Supervisor of 28 D. Sc. degree candidates

    Co-supervisor of 5 D. Sc. degree candidates

    Supervisor of 12 M. Sc. degree candidates

    Co-supervisor of 3 D. Sc. degree candidates

    2 Postdoctoral fellows




    1.        XIAO Duning, HU Yuanman, LI Xiuzhen, 1999, Progress in Landscape Ecology Research, Hunan Science and Technology Press, Changsha, China.

    2.        XIAO Duning, HU Yuanman eds, 2001, Study on Landscape Ecology of Delta Wetland Around the Bohai Sea. China Science Press, Beijing.

    3.        Hu Yuanman, 2004. Chapter 10: Landscape ecology and Landscape ecological construction. In HE Xingyuan eds. Applied Ecology. China Science Press, Beijing.

    4.        ZHAO Yi, HU Yuanman. 2005. Theoretic basis and evaluation of land and landscape. China Science Press, Beijing.

    Journal Articles (out of totally 371 papers)

    1.         Hu Yuanman, 1990, The desert vegetation in the north part of Kashi to Bachu, Xinjiang, China. Arid Zone Research, 7(1): 25-30 (In Chinese).

    2.         Xiao Duning, Li Xiuzhen, and Hu Yuanman, Wang Xianli, Protection of the Littoral Wetland in Northern China: Ecological and Environmental Characteristics, AMBIO, 1996, 25(1): 2-5.

    3.         Hu Yuan-man and Xiao Du-ning, Behavioral fragmentation of waterfowl habitat and its landscape ecological design in Shuangtai-hekou Reserve, Liaoning, China, Journal of Environmental Sciences ,1999, 11(2): 231-235.

    4.         Li Xiuzhen, XIAO Duning, HU Yuanman, WANG Xianli, 2001. Effect of Spatial Pattern on Nutrient Reduction in the Liaohe Delta, Journal of Geographical Sciences. 11(3): 336-349.

    5.         Cao Yu, Xiao Du-ning, Li Xiu-zhen, Hu Yuan-man, 2002. Literature analysis and research progress of the landscape ecology in China in the 1990s, Journal of Forestry Research, 13(2): 98-102

    6.         He, H. S., Z. Hao, D. R. Larsen, L. Dai, Yuanman Hu, and Y. Chang 2002.  A simulation study of landscape scale forest succession in northeastern China.  Ecological Modelling 156:153-166. 

    7.         Hu Yuan-man, Jiang Yan, Chang Yu, Bu Rencang, Li Yuehui, Xu Chonggang, 2002. The dynamic monitoring of Horqin sand land using remote sensing. Chinese Geographical Science, 12(3): 238-243.

    8.         Changg Yu, Bu Rencang, Hu YuanmanXu Chonggang, Wang Qingli,2003 Detecting forest landscape boundary between Mountain Birch and evergreen coniferous forest in the northern slope of Changbai MountainJournal of Environmental Sciences,15(2):182-186.

    9.         Wang Ling, Li Xiuzhen, Hu Yuanman, Guo Dufa, 2003, Analysis of habitat pattern change of Red-crowned Cranes in the Liaohe Delta using spatial diversity index. Chinese Geographical Science, 13(2): 164-170.

    10.     Chonggang Xu, Hong S. He, Yuanman Hu, et al., 2004.Assessing the effect of cell level uncertainty on a forest landscape model simulation in northeastern China, Ecological Modelling, 181: 57-72.

    11.     HU Yuanman, SHU Ying, LI Xiuzhen, WANG Ling, LI Yuxiang, YANG Yuchen. Change of red-crowned crane breeding habitat and the analysis of breeding capacity in Shuangtaihekou National Nature Reserve. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2004, 23(5): 712 (In Chinese)

    12.     HU Yuan-Man, XU Chong-Gang, CHANG Yu, LI Xiu-Zhen, BU Ren-Cang, HE Hong-Shi, LENG Wen-Fang. Application of spatially explicit landscape model(LANDIS): A case researches in Huzhong area, Mt. Daxing’anling. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2004, 24(9): 1846~ 1856 (In Chinese)

    13.     Wang Xu-gao, Li Xiuzhen, He Hong S., Hu Yuan-man, 2004. Ecological restoration: our hope for the future? Chinese Geographic Science, 14(4): 361-367

    14.     Xiuzhen Li, Hong S. He, Xugao Wang, Rencang Bu, Yuanman Hu, Yu Chang, 2004. Evaluating the effectiveness of neutral landscape models to represent a real landscape. Landscape and urban planning, 69(1): 137-148.

    15.     Chonggang Xu, Hong S. He, Yuanman Hu, Yu Chang, Xiuzhen Li, Rencang Bu, 2005. Latin hypercube sampling and geostatistical modeling of spatial uncertainty in a spatially explicit forest landscape model simulation, Ecological Modelling, 185: 255-269

    16.     Guo-Hong Huang, Xiu-Zhen Li, Yuan-Man Hu, et al. 2005, Methane (CH4) emission from a natural wetland of Northern China. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, 40: 1227-1238

    17.     He, Hong S., Hao, Zhanqing, Mladenoff, David J., Shao, Guofan, Hu, Yuanman & Chang, Yu , 2005. Simulating forest ecosystem response to climate warming incorporating spatial effects in north-eastern China. Journal of Biogeography 32 (12), 2043-2056.

    18.     Xiuzhen Li, Hong S. He, Rencang Bu, Qingchun Wen, Yu Chang, Yuanman Hu. 2005. The adequacy of different landscape metrics for various landscape patterns. Pattern Recognition, 38: 2626-2638

    19.     Xiuzhen Li, Rob Jongman, Yuanman Hu. 2005. Relationship between landscape structure metrics and wetland nutrient retention function: A case study of Liaohe Delta, China. Ecological Indicators 5: 339–349

    20.     Zhao,Y.H.; He, X.Y.; Hu, Y.M.; Chang,Y.;2005,Landscape change in the upper valley of Min River. Journal of Forestry Research,16(1):31-34.

    21.     He Xing-Yuan, Zhao Yong-Hua, Hu Yuan-Man*, Chang Yu, Zhou Qi-Xing, 2006. Landscape Changes from 1974 to 1995 in the Upper Minjiang River Basin, China. Pedosphere 16, 398-405.

    22.     Xugao Wang, Hong S. He, Xiuzhen Li, Yu Chang, Yuanman Hu, etc. 2006. Simulating the effects of reforestation on a large catastrophic fire burned landscape in Northeastern China. Forest Ecology and Management, 225: 83-93.

    23.     Xugao Wang, Hong S. He, Xiuzheng Li, and Yuanman Hu, 2006. Assessing the cumulative effects of postfire management on forest landscape dynamics in northeastern China. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 36: 1992-2002.

    24.     Yang John, Hu Yuanman, Bu Rencang, 2006. Microscale spatial variability of redox potential in surface soil. Soil Science, 171(10): 747-753.

    25.     Miao Liu, Yuanman Hu*, Xiuzhen Li, et al., 2007. Ecological footprint and biological capacity time series assessment for a forest region in northeastern China. The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 14 493502

    26.     Wenguang Zhang, Zhonghai Tang, Dunwu Qi, Yuanman Hu*, Jjinchu Hu. 2007. Evaluation habitat fragmentation of giant panda(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)in the north slopes of Daxiangling Mountains, Sichuan ,China. Animal Biology, 57(4):485-500.

    27.     Yu Chang, Hong S. He, Ian Bishop, Yuanman Hu, Rencang Bu, Chonggang Xu and Xiuzhen Li. 2007. Long-term forest landscape responses to fire exclusion in the Great Xing’an Mountains, China. International Journal ofWildland Fire, 2007, 16: 34–44.

    28.     ZHANG Wen-guang, HU Yuan-man*, ZHANG Jing, LIU Miao, YANG Zhao-ping, 2007. Assessment of land use change and potential eco-service value in the upper reaches of Minjiang River, China. Journal of Forest Research, 18(2): 97-102

    29.     Bu, R., H. S. He, Y. Hu, Y. Chang, and D. R. Larsen. 2008. Using the LANDIS model to evaluate forest harvesting and planting strategies under possible warming climates in Northeastern China. Forest Ecology and Management 254:407-419

    30.     Fengming Xi, Hong S He, Yuanman Hu et al., 2009. Simulate urban growth based on RS, GIS, and SLEUTH model in Shenyang-Fushun metropolitan area northeastern China. The Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event 2009, Shanghai.

    31.     Jiujun Lv, Yuanman Hu, Xiuzhen Li, Xianwei Wang, 2008, Application of artificial neural networks on extracting permafrost information, Proceedings - 4th International Conference on Natural Computation, 4: 91-94

    32.     Weiling LiuJinghai ZhuYuanman HuWei Wang. Assessment of eco-environmental  quality in Liaoning coastal highway area. Proceedings of 2008 IITA Conference on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (IITA-GRS 2008)ShanghaiChina. 512-515.

    33.     Weiling LiuJinghai Zhu. Yuanman Hu. Wei Wang. Dynamical analysis of ecological footprint in Liaoning coastal economic zone. Proceedings of 2008 IITA Conference on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (IITA-GRS 2008)ShanghaiChina. 516-519

    34.     Wenfang Leng, Hong S. He, Rencang Bu, Limin Dai, Yuanman Hu, Xugao Wang, 2008. Predicting the distributions of suitable habitat for three larch species under climate warming in Northeastern China.  Forest Ecology and Management, 254: 420–428

    35.     Wu, X., Y. Hu, H. S. He, and R. Bu. 2008. Accuracy evaluation and its application of SLEUTH urban growth model. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University 33:293-296

    36.     Yu Chang, Hong S. He, Yuanman Hu, Rencang Bu, Xiuzhen Li, 2008. Historic and current fire regimes in the Great Xing’an Mountains, northeastern China: Implications for long-term forest management. Forest Ecology and Management, 254: 445-453

    37.     Zhang Wenguang, Hu Yuanman*, Hu Jinchu, Chang Yu, Zhang Jing, LiuMiao. 2008, Impacts of land-use change on mammal diversity in the upper reaches of Minjiang River, China: Implications for biodiversity conservation planning. Landscape and Urban Planning. 85: 195–204

    38.     Fengming Xi, Hong S He, Yuanman Hu et al., 2009. Simulate urban growth based on RS, GIS, and SLEUTH model in Shenyang-Fushun metropolitan area northeastern China. The Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event 2009, Shanghai.

    39.     Hongwei Chen, Yuanman Hu*, Yu Chang, Rencang Bu, Hong S. H, Miao Liu, 2009, Simulating Forest Landscape Change under Larch Caterpillar and Fire Disturbance in Great Xing’an Mountains, Proceedings of IEEE 10th International conference on Computer-Aided Industrial Design & Conceptual Design, 2173-2179.

    40.     John Yang, Yuanman Hu, and Rencang Bu, 2009. Relationship between soil productivity and tree volume in primeval forest ecosystems in Northeastern China. Forest Science 55(4): 335-342.

    41.     Miao Liu, Yuanman Hu*, Yu Chang, Xinyuan He, Wei Zhang, 2009, Land Use and Land Cover Change Analysis and Prediction in the Upper Reaches of the Minjiang River, China. Environmental Management, 43: 899-907

    42.     Panpan Zhang, Yuanman Hu*, Duning Xiao, Xiuzhen Li, Jie Yin. Potential rocky desertification simulation for the karst plateau area using CA-Markov model: a case study of middle and lower reaches of Houzhai Stream, China. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Risk Management & Globle e-Business, 2009: 1214–1220.

    43.     Rui ZHOU, Yue-hui LI, Yuan-man HU*, Xiao-qing WU. The spatial-temporal change and forecast of farmland landscape in Shenyang city based on GIS and RS. 2009 International Conference on Photonics and Image in Agriculture Engineering. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7491.  doi: 10.1117/12.836821

    44.     Shanshan Tai, Yuan-man Hu, Hong-sheng Zhang, Yu-ku Han, Miao Liu, 2009. Effects of planting ginseng on understory vegetation species diversity in eastern Liaoning Province, China. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 1(4): 295-299

    45.     Shanshan Tai, Yuanman Hu, Miao Liu, Weidong Zhang, Wei Wang, 2009. A Modified Method to Emergetic Ecological Footprint and Its Application. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Risk Management & Global e-Business (Volume). 2009,8,10-12. Korea, 1059-1063.

    46.     Sheng-nan Li, Gen-xu Wang, Wei Deng, Yuan-man Hu and Wei-Wei Hu, 2009. Influence of hydrology process on wetland landscape pattern: A case study in the Yellow River Delta. Ecological Engineering, 35: 1719–1726

    47.     Sun Ju, Li Xiuzhen, Wang Xianwei, Lv Jiujun, Li, Zongmei, 2009, Hu Yuanman. Latitudinal changes in species diversity of permafrost wetland plant communities in Great Xingan Mountain valleys of Northeast China. Acta Ecologica Sinica,29(5):272-277

    48.     Wei Wang, Jinghai Zhu, Yuanman Hu, Weiling Liu, Shanshan Tai, 2009. Study on land ecological risk in Shen-Fu Connection Area based on land use change. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Risk Management and Global E-business, Vol (I&II): 220-223

    49.     Xi, F., He, H., Hu, Y., Bu, R., Chang, Y., Wu, X., Liu, M., Shi, T., 2009. Simulating the impacts of ecological protection policies on urban land use sustainability in Shenyang-Fushun, China. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development 1, 111-127.

    50.     Xi, F., He, H., Hu, Y., Wu, X., Bu, R., Chang, Y., Liu, M., Yu, J., 2009. Simulate urban growth based on RS, GIS, and SLEUTH model in Shenyang-Fushun metropolitan area northeastern China. 2009 Urban Remote Sensing Joint Event, pp. 1-10.

    51.     Xiaoqing Wu, Yuanman Hu*, Hong S. He, Rencang Bu, Jeff Onsted, Fengming Xi, 2009. Performances evaluation of SLEUTH model in Shenyang metropolitan area of Northeastern China. Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 14:221-230

    52.     Zongmei Li, Xiuzhen Li, Yuanman Hu, etc. 2009. The Runoff Changes within the Year and the Influence Factors in Emuer River Basin. Proceedings - 2009 International Conference on Information Engineering and Computer Science, ICIECS 2009

    53.     Chun-hua WU and Yuan-man HU, 2010. Research on the appraisal of the ecological cities in Liaoning Province based on the theory of gray clustering, The 2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling, V14: 602-606

    54.     Fengming Xi, Hong S. He, Yuanman Hu, et al. 2010, Simulating the impacts of ecological protection policies on urban land use sustainability in Shenyang-Fushun, China. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 1(1-2):111-127.

    55.     Jun-ying LiYuan-man HuZhi-hua Liu and Miao Liu. Ecological suitability evaluation for eco-tourism on Qipanshan area based on landscape visual sensitivity,2010 International conference on web Information systems and mining, Volume 11,2010

    56.     LI Xiuzhen, HE Hong S, WANG Xugao, XIE Fuju, HU Yuanman, LI Yuehui, 2010. Tree Planting: How Fast Can It Accelerate Post-fire Forest Restoration? A Case Study in Northern Da Hinggan Mountains, China. Chin. Geogra. Sci. 20(6) 481–490

    57.     Liu Z, He HS, Chang Y, Hu Y. 2010. Analyzing the effectiveness of alternative fuel reductions of a forested landscape in Northeastern China. Forest Ecology and Management 259: 1255-1261

    58.     Wang, X., Li, X., Hu, Y., Lu, J., Sun, J., Li, Z., He, H.S. 2010. Potential carbon mineralization of permafrost peatlands in Great Hing'an Mountains, China. Wetlands 30: 747-756.

    59.     ZHANG Panpan, HU Yuanman*, XIAO Duning, LI Xiuzhen, YIN Jie, HE Hong S. 2010, GIS-based rocky desertification risk zone delineation on karst plateau area——a case study in Puding CountyGuizhou Province. China. Chinese Geographical Science, 20(1): 84–90.

    60.     Chen, H.;Hu, Y*.;Chang, Y.;Bu, R.;Li, Y. & Liu, M. 2011. Simulating impact of larch caterpillar (Dendrolimus superans) on fire regime and forest landscape in Da Xing’an Mountains, Northeast China, Chinese Geographical Science 21(5). 575–586

    61.     Liang Y, He HS, Bu RC, Hu YM, Shao GF, 2011. Are plot data effective for landscape prediction? A simulation study of tree species response to climate warming under varying environmental heterogeneity Annals of Forest Science, 68(5): 899-909

    62.     Liu M, Hu YM, Zhang W, et al, 2011. ,Application of land-use change model in guiding regional planning: A case study in Hun-Taizi River Watershed, Northeast China. Chinese Geographical Science 21(5): 609-618

    63.     Liu, Hongjuan, Rencang Bu, Jintong Liu , Wenfang Leng, Yuanman Hu* et al., 2011. Predicting the wetland distributions under climate warming in the Great Xing’an Mountains, northeastern China. Ecological Research 26(3): 605-613

    64.     Sun, J. X. Z. Li, X. W. Wang, J. J. Lv, Z. M. Li, and Y. M. Hu, 2011. Latitudinal Pattern in Species Diversity and its Response to Global Warming in Permafrost Wetlands in the Great Hing’an Mountains, China. Russian Journal of Ecology, 42(2): 123–132.

    65.     Zhou Y, Shi T Hu Y, et al, 2011, Urban green space planning based on computational fluid dynamics model and landscape ecology principle: A case study of Liaoyang City, Northeast China. Chinese Geographical Science. 21(4):465-475

    66.     Cai W. H., Yang J., Liu Z. H., Hu Y. M,. Liu S. J., Jing G. Z., Zhao Z. F., 2012. Controls of post-fire tree recruitment in Great Xing’an Mountains in Heilongjiang Province, Acta Ecologica Sinica, 32(11):3303-3312.

    67.     Chunlin Li, Miao Liu, Yuanman Hu*, 2012. Landscape pattern change and driving forces analysis in response to urbanization, Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 524-527 (2012): 2809-2812.

    68.     Deng H. W., Bu R. C.,Liu X. M., He W., Hu Y. M., 2012. Simulating the effects of forestry classified management on forest biomass in Xiao Xingan Mountains, Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2012, 32(21): 6679-6687.

    69.     Fengming Xi, Hong S. He, Keith C. Clarke, Yuanman Hu et al. 2012. The potential impacts of sprawl on farmland in Northeast China—Evaluating a new strategy for rural development. Landscape and Urban Planning, 104:34-46

    70.     HAN Wen-quan, CHANG Yu, HU Yuan-man, LI Xiu-zhen, LIU Miao, 2012. Spatial optimization of Agro-forest complex landscape pattern in Zagunao watershed,upper Minjiang River, SichuanResources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin21(1): 231-236

    71.     LIANG Yu, HE Hong-shi, HU Yuan-man, BU Ren-cang, 2012. Effects of spatial heterogeneity on spatial extrapolation of sampling plot data, Chin. J. Appl. Ecol. , 23(1): 185-192.

    72.     Meng Yang, Xiuzhen Li, Yuanman Hu, Xingyuan He, 2012. Assessing effects of landscape pattern on sediment yield using sediment delivery distributed model and a landscape indicator. Ecological Indicators 22: 38-52.

    73.     MO Li-Jiang, CAO Yu, HU Yuan-Man, LIU Miao, XIA Dong, 2012. Object-oriented Classification for Satellite Remote Sensing of Wetlands:A Case Study in Southern Hangzhou Bay Area. Wetland Science10(2).

    74.     Su Lei, Zhu Jinghai, Ren Shaohong, Hu Yuanman, Miao Liu, 2012. Landscape Pattern Change Prediction of Jinhu Coastal Area Based On Logistic-CA-Markov Model, AISS: Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, 4(11): 1-10.

    75.     Wei He, Rencang Bu, Yuanman Hu, Zaiping Xiong, Miao Liu, 2012. Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Characteristic of Temperature Change over the Last 45 Years in Northeastern China, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 518-523 (2012): 1367-1370.

    76.     ZHANG Pei-feng, HU Yuan-man, XIONG Zai-ping, 2012. Influence of location factor on the changes of three-dimensional architectural landscape in Tiexi District of Shenyang, Chinese Journal of Ecology, 31(7): 1832-1838.

    77.     CHEN Hong-wei, HU Yuan-man, CHANG Yu, BU Ren-cang, LI Yue-hui, LIU Miao, XIONG Zai-ping, 2013. Simulation of the effect of forest harvest mode on forest landscape: A case study in forest region of Daxing'anling Mountains, China, Chinese Journal of Ecology, 32(7): 1888-1895.

    78.     He W., Bu R.C., Liu H.J., Xiong Z. P., Hu Y. M., 2013. Prediction of the effects of climate change on the potential distribution of mire in Northeastern China, Acta Ecologica Sinica,  33(19): 6314-6319

    79.     He W., Bu R. C., Xiong Z. P., Hu Y. M., 2013. Characteristics of temperature and precipitation in Northeastern China from 1961 to 2005, Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2013, 33(2): 0519-0531.

    80.     LI Chun-lin, HU Yuan-man, LIU Miao, XU Yan-yan, SUN Feng-yun, 2013. Urban non-point source pollution: Research progress. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 32(3):

    81.     Peifeng Zhang, Yuanman Hu*, Zaiping Xiong, 2013. Extraction of three-dimensional architectural data from QuickBird images. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 41(2): 409-416

    82.     Wenhua Cai, Jian Yang, Zhihua Liu, Yuanman Hu, Peter J. Weisberg, 2013. Post-fire tree recruitment of a boreal larch forest in Northeast China, Forest Ecology and Management, 307: 20-29

    83.     Yu Chang, Zhiliang Zhu, Rencang Bu, Hongwei Chen, Yuting Feng, Yuehui Li, Yuanman Hu, 2013. Predicting fire occurrence patterns with logistic regression in Heilongjiang Province, China, Landscape Ecology, DOI: 10.1007/s10980-013-9935-4

    84.     ZHANG Pei-feng1, HU Yuan-man, 2013. Variations of three-dimensional architecture landscape at different spatial scales, Chinese Journal of Ecology, 32(5): 1319-1325.

    85.     Chunlin Li, Miao Liu, Yuanman Hu*, Jiping Gong, Fengyun Sun, Yanyan Xu. 2014. Characterization and first flush analysis in road and roof runoff in Shenyang, China. Water Science and Technology. 70(3): 397-406

    86.     Liu M, Xu Y, Hu Y*, Li C, Sun F, et al. 2014. A Century of the Evolution of the Urban Area in Shenyang, China. PLoS ONE 9(6): 1-9

    87.     Liu Miao, Li Chunlin, Hu Yuanman,* Sun Fengyun, Xu Yanyan, Chen Tan, 2014. Combining CLUE-S and SWAT models to forecast land use change and non-point source pollution impact at a watershed scale in Liaoning Province, China. Chinese Geographical Science, 24(5): 540-550

    88.     Ma J, Hu Y*, Bu R, Chang Y, Deng H, et al. (2014) Predicting Impacts of Climate Change on the Aboveground Carbon Sequestration Rate of a Temperate Forest in Northeastern China. PLoS ONE 9(4): 1-15

    89.     Wen Qingchun, Li Xiuzhen, He Hongshi, Hu Yuanman, Chen Xin, Chang Yu, Wang Wei, Bu Rencang, 2014. A landscape pattern analysis method based on boundaries and nodes: A case study in upper Minjiang River, China. Chinese Geographical Science, 24(1): 50–59

    90.       Yuehui Li, Wen Wu, Zaiping Xiong, Yuanman Hu, 2014, Yu Chang, Duning Xiao.Effects of forest roads on habitat pattern for sables in Da Hinggan Mountains, Northeasten China. Chinese Geographical Science, 24(5): 587-598

    91.       Jiping Gong, Yuanman Hu, Miao Liu, Rencang Bu, et al., 2015. Characterization of Air Pollution Index and Its Affecting Factors in Industrial Urban Area in Northestern China. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 24(4): 1579-1592.

    92.       Jun Ma, Rencang Bu, Miao Liu, Yu Chang, Qin Qin, Yuanman Hu, 2015, Ecosystem carbon storage distribution between plant and soil in different forest types in Northeastern China. Ecological Engineering 81: 353–362

    93.       Jun Ma, Rencang Bu, Miao Liu, Yu Chang, Fenglin Han, Qin Qin & Yuanman Hu (2015): Recovery of understory vegetation biomass and biodiversity in burned larch boreal forests in Northeastern China, Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, DOI:10.1080/02827581.2015.1072238

    94.       Yu Chang, Zhiliang Zhu, Rencang Bu, Yuehui Li, Yuanman Hu, 2015. Environmental controls on the characteristics of mean number of forest fires and mean forest area burned (1987–2007) in China. Forest Ecology and Management. 356: 13–21

    95.       Hongwei Chen, Yuanman Hu,Yu Chang, et al. 2015. Changes of forest fire regime and landscape pattern under different harvesting modes in a boreal forest of Northeast China, Journal of Arid Land 7(6), DOI: 10.1007/s40333-015-0015-2

    96.       Chang, Y., Zhu, Z., Feng, Y., Li, Y., Bu, R., Hu, Y., 2016. The spatial variation in forest burn severity in Heilongjiang Province, China. Natural Hazards 81, 981-1001

    97.       Chunlin Li, Miao Liu, Yuanman Hu, Jiping Gong, Yanyan Xu, 2016.Modeling the Quality and Quantity of Runoff in a Highly Urbanized Catchment Using Storm Water Management Model. Pol. J. Environ. Stud.  25( 4): 1573-1581

    98.       Wu Wen, Li Yuehui* and Hu Yuanman* (2016), Simulation of potential habitat overlap between red deer (Cervus elaphus) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in northeastern China. PeerJ 4:e1756; DOI 10.7717/peerj.1756

    99.       Wu Wen, Li Yuehui, Hu Yuanman, Chang Yu, Xiong Zaiping, Chen Long, Gong Jiping, 2017. Plants diversity and vegetation structure in the understory of mixed boreal forests under different management regimes in Northeastern China. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 26(4): 1749-1757.

    100.    Jinting Guo, Yuanman Hu, Zaiping Xiong, Xiaolu Yan, Chunlin Li, Rencang Bu. Variations in Growing-Season NDVI and Its Response to Permafrost Degradation in Northeast China. Sustainability, 2017, 9(4), 551

    101.    Jun Ma, Xiangming Xiao, Rencang Bu, Russell Doughty, Yuanman Hu, etc. 2017. Application of the space-for-time substitution method in validating long-term biomass predictions of a forest landscape model, Environmental Modelling & Software 94 (2017) 127-139


    Conference Presentations

    1.        HU Yuanman, et al. 1997, Impact of human activity on waterfowl habitat fragmentation in Shuangtai-hekou Reserve, Liaoning, China. International Symposium on Sustainable Development of Biosphere Reserve, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China.

    2.        HU Yuanman, et al., 1998, Behavioral fragmentation of waterfowl habitat and its landscape ecological design in Shuangtai-hekou Reserve , Liaoning, China. ECOTONE VII: Regional Seminar for Southeast and East Asia—Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Southeast and East Asia, Yangon, Myanmar.

    3.        HU Yuanman, et al., 1998, Behavioral fragmentation of waterfowl habitat and its landscape ecological design in Shuangtai-hekou Reserve , Liaoning, China. International Conference on Landscape Ecology of Asia and Pacific Region,  Shenyang, China.

    4.        HU Yuanman, et al., 1999, Study on wildlife habitat: landscape ecological approach. 3rd Symposium on Landscape Ecology in China, Kunming, Yunnan, China.

    5.        Hu Yuanman, et al., 2001, the dynamic monitoring of Horqin sandy land using remote sensing technique. The 2nd International Conference on Landscape Ecology of Asia and Pacific Region, Lanzhou, China.

    6.        Hu Yuanman, et al.,2003, Application of spatially explicit landscape model(LANDIS)A case researches in Huzhong area, Mt. Daxing’anling.The 4th Conference on Landscape Ecology of China, Beijing, China.

    7.        HU Yuanman et al., 2004. The Biodiversity and Protection of Littoral Wetland in Northern China. International Conference on Biodiversity of EURO-ASIA Continental Wetlands, 2004, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

    8.        Hu Yuanman, et al.,2005, Research on urban heat island effects on the basis of infrared remote sensing. The Conference on Urban Landscape Ecology of China, Shenzhen, China.

    9.        Chang Yu, Hu Yuanman, 2007. Historic and current fire regimes in the Great Xing’an Mountains, northeastern China. World Congress of the International Associationof Landscape Ecology (IALE), Wageningen, The Netherlands

    10.    Hu Yuanman, et al.,2007, Spatially explicit modeling on process of forest disturbance in Northeast China. The 5th  Conference on Landscape Ecology of China, Beijing, China.

    11.    Hu Yuanman, 2008, The responses of the potential distributions of marsh to climate change in northeastern China, Symposium of International Consortium of Landscape and Ecological Engineering, Taipei, China

    12.    Hu Yuanman, 2008, Historic and current fire regimes in the Great Xingan Mountains, northeastern China: Implications for long-term forest management. IUFRO Landscape Ecology Conference, 2008, Chengdu, China

    13.    Hu Yuanman, et al., 2009, Affection of climate change on potential distribution of marshes and permafrost in Northeast China. The 6th Conference on Landscape Ecology of China, Beijing, China.

    14.    Hu Yuanman, et al., 2012, Three-dimensional urban landscape changes in a dramatic renewal city in China. The 19th  IALE-UK Conference on Landscape Ecology, Edinburgh,UK

    15.    Hu Yuanman, et al., 2013, Modeling and atmospheric environment effects of urban expansion in central Liaoning Province, China.. The 7th Conference on Landscape Ecology of China, Changsha, China.

  • 1.        Outstanding Scientist of Liaoning Province, 2005

    2.        Outstanding Scientist of Shenyang City, 2006

    3.        Endangered water-birds conservation and their habitat management in Liaohe delta wetland. The Wetlands, Grasslands, Sabannahs & Deserts Category Award, by Birdlife International, BP Amoco p.l.c. and Fauna & Flora International, 1999

    4.        Comprehensive survey on natural resources of Liaoning Province using remote sensing. First Prize by Liaoning Provincial Government, 2003

    5.        Research on land-use and eco-environmental construction. First Prize by Department of Land and Resources of Liaoning Province, 2006