Title:Assistant Professor
Subject:Stable Isotope Ecology
Address:Institute of Applied Ecology.Chinese Academy of Sciences.72 Wenhua Road, Shenyang 110016, China


B.S., 2005, Lanzhou University, Ecology

M.S., 2010,Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ecology

Thesis title: "The content and distribution of heavy metal of roadside soil in Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve"

Ph.D., 2013, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ecology

Thesis title: "Study of the Nitrogen Status and the Indication Effect of δ15N in coniferous forest in Changbai Mountain"

Professional experience

Postdoctoral Scholar: Institute of Applied Ecology Chinese Academy of Sciences (2013- )

  • Stable Isotope Ecology
  • 4. Bai, E., Li, W., Li, S., Sun, J., Peng, B., Dai, W., Jiang, P., Han, S. (2014)Pulse Increase of Soil N2O Emission in Response to N Addition in a Temperate Forest on Mt Changbai, Northeast China. PLoS ONE 01/2014; 9(7):e102765.

    3. Bai, E., Li, S., Xu, W., Li, W., Dai, W., Jiang, P. (2013) A meta-analysis of experimental warming effects on terrestrial nitrogen pools and dynamics, New Phytologist 199, 441-451.

    2. Li, S., Jin Y., Wang D., Ding H., Sun C., Piao Z., Zong Z., Wang J.(2012)

    Assessment of Contamination and Spatial Distribution of Zn and Pb in Roadside Soils of Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve. Chinese Journal of Soil Science. 43(2)477-483(in Chinese)

    1. Piao Z., Jin Y.,Li S.,Wang C., Piao J., Luo Yumei., Wang Zhuocong., Sui Yacheng. (2012) Mammal mortality caused by highways in the Changbai Mountain National Nature Reserve of Jilin Province, China. Acta Theriologica Sinica  43(2)477-483(in Chinese).

  • Fate and turnover of atmospherically deposited nitrogen in two typical secondary forest in northeast China: 15N tracer experiment. Funded by the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC). RMB 250,000 (or $36,000). 2015-2017, PI