Title:Associate Professor
Subject:Desertification Control and Restoration Ecology
Address:CAS Key Laboratory of Forest Ecology and Management, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 72 Wenhua Road, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China, 110016

Education Background

1993.9- 1996.7   Agriculture College of Yanbian, Forest resources

1999.9 - 2002.7  Master degree. Institute of Applied Ecology, CAS, Master, Ecology

2003.9 - 2006.7  Ph.D degree. Institute of Applied Ecology, CAS, PhD, Ecology

Employment Background

1996.07 - 1999.09  Forest Farm, Jilin City, Technician Fellow, Technical guidance

2002.07 - 2003.11  Institute of Applied Ecology, CAS, Research Assistant

2003.12 - 2008.10  Institute of Applied Ecology, CAS, Assistant Professor

2008.11 - Present  Institute of Applied Ecology, CAS, Associate Professor

2015.04 - 2015.06  University of Washington, USA, Visiting Scholar

  • Vegetation restoration; Biodiversity conservation; Desertification control; plant adaptation and reproduction strategy;

  • 1.      Chunping Miao, Xuehua Li*, Deming Jiang, Quanlai Zhou. 2015. Spatial structure and species composition of soil seed banks in the moving sand dune systems, Northeast China. Journal of Forestry Research (Accepted)

    2.      Xuehua Li, Deming Jiang, Quanlai Zhou, Toshio Oshida. 2014. Soil seed bank characteristics in an age sequence of Caragana microphylla shrubs in the Horqin Sandy Land of Northeastern China. Land Degrad. Develop. 25: 236-243

    3.      Chunping Miao, Xuehua Li*, Deming Jiang. 2013. Spatial variability of Agriophyllum squarrosum across scales and along the slope on an active sand dune in semi-arid China. Arid Land Research and Management, 17:3, 231-244

    4.      Deming Jiang, Xuehua Li*, Chunping Miao, Quanlai Zhou, Toshio Oshida. 2013. Patterns of species diversity across scales and along the slope on the ecotone between the active sand dune and the inter-dune lowland in Horqin Sandy Land, China. Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 726-731, pp 4390-4396

    5.      Deming JIANG, Chunping MIAO, Xuehua LI*, Xiaolan LI, Alamusa, Quanlai ZHOU. 2013. Spatial heterogeneity of plant species on the windward slope of active sand dunes in semi-arid region of China. J Arid Land, 5(1):80-88

    6.      Xuehua Li, Deming Jiang, Alamusa, Quanlai Zhou, Toshio Oshida. 2012. Comparison of seed germination of four Artemisia species (Asteraceae) in northeastern Inner Mongolia, China. J Arid Land, 4(1):36-42

    7.      Li Xuehua, Jiang Deming, Li Xiaolan, Zhou Quanlai. 2011. Effects of salinity and desalination on seed germination of six annual weed species, Journal of Forestry Research, 22(3):475-479

    8.      Xuehua Li. 2010. Biology of Annual Plants in Arid and Semi-Arid Desert Regions of China. Chapter 4, pp 73-79, In: K.G. Ramawat (ed.), Desert Plants. Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heideberg

    9.      Xuehua LI, Xiaolan LI, Deming JIANG, Zhimin LIU, Qinghe YU. 2008. Annual plants in arid and semi-arid desert region. Frontiers of Biology China, 3(3): 259-264.

    10.   Liu, Zhimin, Yan, Qiaoling, Li, Xuehua, Ma, Junling, Ling, Xia. 2007. Seed mass and shape, germination and plant abundance in a desertified grassland in northeastern Inner Mongolia, China. J Arid Environments, 69:198–211

    11.   Xuehua Li, Xiaolan Li, Deming Jiang, Zhimin Liu. 2006. Germination strategies and patterns of annual species in the temperate semiarid region of China. Arid Land Research and Management, 20: 195-207

    12.   Miao Chunping, Li Xuehua*, Jiang Deming, Jia Meiyu, Han Xu. 2015. Spatial heterogeneity of soil water content in the interdune lowland-active sand dune systems in Horqin Sandy land. Journal of Northeast Forestry University, 43(3): 90-94

    13.   Miao Chunping, Li Xuehua*, Jiang Deming. 2013. Spatial distribution      and inter specific association of plants in the ecotone between  active sand dune and inter-dune lowland in Horqin Sandy Land. Arid Zone Research, 30(5) 832-837

    14.   Miao Chunping, Li Xuehua*, Jiang Deming. 2012. Response of growth of Salix gordejevii seedling to sand burial depth in the semiarid Aeolian sand field. Arid Zone Research, 29(2): 1-5

    15.   LI Xuehua, JIANG Deming, LUO Yongming. 2010. Soil fertile islands of shrub canopy and impacts on vegetation in chronosequence of Caragana microphylla. Jounral of Liaoning Technical University (Natural Science), 29(2): 336-339

    16.   LI Xuehua, LI Xiaolan, JIANG Deming, LUO Yongming, WANG Hongmei. 2009. A comparative study of the individual biomass and modular biomass of 70 herbaceous species found in the Horqin Sandy Land. Arid Zone Research, 26(2):200-205

    17.   Li Xuehua, Han Shijie, Zong Wenjun, Jiang Deming. 2007. Characteristics of soil seed banks of sand dune succession process in Horqin Sandy Land. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 29(2):66-69

    18.   Yan, Qiaoling, Liu, Zhimin, Li, Xuehua, Ma, Junling. 2007. Effects of burial on seed germination characteristics of 65 species in the semi-arid steppe. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology,18(4): 777-782

    19.   Li Xuehua, Li Xiaolan, Jiang Deming. 2006. Annual plant species in arid and semi-arid desert regions: A review. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 25(7): 851-856

    20.   Li Xuehua, Li Xiaolan, Jiang Deming. 2006. Germination strategy and ecological adaptability of Eragrostis pilosa. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 17(4): 607-610

    21.   Li Xuehua, Han Shijie, Jiang Deming. 2006. Vegetation Characteristics and their effects on sand dune stabilization of different succession stages in Horqin Sandy Land. Journal of Liaoning Technique University, 25(5): 789-791

    22.   Li Xuehua, Jiang Deming, Liu Zhimin. 2006. Seed germination characteristics of annual species in temperate semi-arid region. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 26(4):1194-1199

    23.   Jiang Deming, Zong Wenjun, Li Xuehua. 2006. Rehabilitation of desertified lands in western Horqin steppe. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 25(3): 243-248

    24.   Li Xiaolan, Jiang Deming, Li Xuehua. 2006. Relationship between biomass allocation and tissue water content in salix gordejevii. Journal of Liaoning Technique University, 25(6): 947-950

    25.   Li Xiaolan, Li Xuehua, Jiang Deming. 2005. Leaf morphological characters of 22 compasitae herbaceous species in Horqin Sandy Land. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 24(12): 1397-1401

    26.   Jiang Deming, Wang Hongmei, Li Xuehua. 2005. Analysis on the change trend of air temperature in the Ulanaodu region in the Horqin Sand Land. Arid Zone Research, 22(3): 322-325

    27.   Li Xuehua, Liu Zhimin, Jiang Deming. 2004. A comparative study on seed weight, shape and germination characteristics of 7 Artemisia species. Chinese Journal of Ecology,23(5): 57-60

    28.   Li Xuehua, Liu Zhimin, Jiang Deming. 2004. A study on hydrophysiological characteristics and withered moisture of Prunus ansu. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment,18(5): 168-171

    29.   Liu, Zhimin, Li, Xuehua, Li, Rongping. 2004. A comparative study of seed germination for 31 annual species of the Horqin Steppe. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 24: 648-653

    30.   Li Xuehua, Jiang Deming, Luo Yongming.2003. Physiological characterisitics of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica seedlings at different irrigation treatments. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 22(6): 17-20

    31.   Liu, Zhimin, Li, Xuehua, Li, Rongping. 2003. A comparative study on seed germination of 15 grass species in Keerqin Sandyland. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 14:1416-1420

    32.   Li Xuehua, Jiang Deming, Alamusa. 2002. A comparative study on drought- resistance of four plant species in Horqin Sandy Land. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 13(11): 1385-1388

  • The first class Di-Ao scholarship, CAS, 2006

    Outstanding Staff, Institute of Applied Ecology, CAS, 2012

    Outstanding teachers for master degree theses in Liaoning Province, 2013