
Administrative Leaders of Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research of CAS Visit IAE

On July 27, 2022, five guests from Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research (ICZ) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) visited the Institute of Applied Ecology (IAE) of CAS, including Guo Xiuy...

Paddy Field Soil Fertility Improvement Model R&D Team Holds Mid-term Project Meeting

On July 28, 2022, the Paddy Field Soil Fertility Conservation and Improvement Model R&D team of the "Black Soil & Granary" Shenyang Demonstration Zone Project Working Group held a mid-term meeting ...

Professor Wang Gang of China Agricultural University Visits IAE and Gives a Talk

On July 23, Professor Wang Gang of China Agricultural University visited the Institute of Applied Ecology (IAE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) at the invitation of IAE's Ecosystem Microbi...

Youth Innovation Promotion Association of IAE Organizes Forum on Ecosystem Carbon Neutrality

At the beginning of the forum, Fang Yunting, deputy director of IAE, made a speech on the institute's Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality research, and on the professional growth of YIPA members o...

IAE Holds Kick-off Meeting For Its Major Project "Precise Measurement and Functional Improvement ...

On May 26, the Institute of Applied Ecology (IAE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences held a kick-off meeting for the Institute's major project "Precise Measurement and Functional Improvement of Car...