Research Progress

Researches Reveal Sensitivity of Aboveground Biomass and Tree Species Composition of Boreal Fores...

The climate change effects on boreal forests are more obvious than on other terrestrial ecosystems, and it is estimated that the temperature in boreal forests might rise at twice the rate of other ...

Researchers Examine Uncertainty in Drought Assessment,Taking China as an Example

In view of this problem, assistant Prof. Ma Tianxiao, Prof. Liang Yu and their colleagues from the Landscape Process Group of the Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, used the...

Characterizing the Nitrogen Isotope Composition of Ammonia from Vehicular Exhaust using Active Sa...

Global anthropogenic emissions of ammonia (NH3) has increased significantly in the recent years. In urban regions, emerging evidence suggests that vehicle emissions are an important source of NH3, ...

Intensified Droughts Will Affect N Gaseous Emissions in Rainfed Agriculture

Rainfed agriculture is one of the most common farming practices in Northeast China and the world, which is vulnerable to future climate change. Both NO and N2O are major contributors to atmospheric...

Researchers Conduct Atmospheric Nitrate Deposition Measurement and Nitrogen Source Analysis

Since the Industrial Revolution, human activities have increased the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx). NOx can promote the generation of ozone and particle matters, and increase nitrogen depositio...