Research Progress

Different Approaches for Quantifying Crop Nitrogen Use Efficiency May Result in Huge Difference i...

Crop nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) refers to the proportion of nitrogen in fertilisers that is absorbed and used by crops, which is an important indicator to evaluate fertiliser utilisation efficie...

Shifts in Forest Composition Would Reduce the Direct Effects of Climate Change on Fire Regimes in...

Fire is one of the major natural disturbances in the terrestrial ecosystem and profoundly impacts the structure and functions of forest ecosystems. With increases in temperature and extreme weather...

Above-and Below-ground Biodiversity Differently Mediate the Effects of Selective Logging on Tempe...

A new study published in Global Change Biology recently confirmed that selective logging in a reasonable way may make better use of abiotic resources in the forests, promote the growth of preserved...

Adopting Conservation Tillage and Inhibitor Application as a Win-win Solution in Agro-ecosystem o...

Based on a continuous 9-year no-tillage farmland, a research team from the Institute of Applied Ecology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) conducted an in-situ 15N-labeled micro-plot to inves...

Bacterial Mobility Facilitated by Soil Depth and Intact Structure

The development of field management practices for reducing pathogenic pollution of water systems is slow because of a lack of understanding of the dynamics of microbial transport through subsurface...