Research Progress

Mycorrhizal Type May Play an Important Role in Regulating Rhizosphere Priming

Root exudation is critical in influencing soil organic matter (SOM) decay via the rhizosphere priming effect (RPE) with a cascade of changes in microbial communities and enzyme activities, which ca...

The Physiological Characteristics of Specific Microbial Taxa Regulate the Function of Microbial A...

Microorganisms are the drivers of soil organic carbon mineralization, and the activity of soil microorganisms directly affects the turnover rate of soil carbon.Contact YUE Qian Institute of App...

Researchers Demenstrate How Importance of Microbial Charcateristics in Soil Organic Matter Formation

The researchers estimated microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE) and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) by 18O-labelled H2O incubation method and found that N addition (low, ambient and high N addition) ...

Researchers Reveal the Effects of Nitrogen Addition on Soil Microbial Carbon and Nitrogen Use Eff...

The researchers measured SOC, microbial physiological parameters (microbial biomass carbon (MBC), carbon use efficiency (CUE), turnover rate) and residue index (amino sugar (AS)) and found that SOC...

How Sulphur Deposition Affects Soil Nematode Community Structure

The researchers measured chemical and biological properties of the soil samples and found that S addition had a significant impact on richness and diversity of soil nematodes, but not on total abun...